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Homeowners’ Insurance Buyer’s Guide

Navigating the realm of homeowners’ insurance can be daunting, especially for first-time homeowners. 

It’s not just about choosing a policy; it’s about understanding the breadth and depth of your coverage. In this post, we’ll delve into the subject to help you make the best decisions possible.

We’ll cover—

  • Why Do I Need Homeowners’ Insurance?
  • How Do I Find a Good Homeowners’ Insurer?
  • How Much Insurance Coverage Do I Need?
  • How Can I Pay Less For Homeowners’ Insurance?
  • When Should I Submit A Homeowners’ Insurance Claim?
  • Why Do Homeowners’ Insurance Prices Go Up?
  • What Do I Do If My Homeowners’ Insurance Company Drops Me?

Don’t buy homeowners insurance coverage unprepared! Speak with Tighe P.A. today and make sure you get the most from your insurance company.

Why Do I Need a Homeowners’ Insurance Policy?

The purpose of a homeowners’ policy is to provide you with financial protection in the event of unforeseen damages from natural disasters or liabilities related to your home. It’s not just a good idea; in many cases, it’s a requirement from your mortgage lender. But why exactly do you need homeowners’ insurance?

Exterior and Interior Home Damage

Your home is likely one of your most significant investments. Homeowners’ insurance covers the repair or rebuild costs if your home gets damaged due to various perils like fire, hail, lightning, or vandalism. Without insurance, you would be left to shoulder these costs alone, which can be financially devastating.

Personal Liability for Others’ Injuries

Homeowners’ insurance also covers personal liability for injuries. If someone gets injured on your property and you’re found liable, the insurance can cover their medical expenses and any legal costs if they decide to sue.

Extended Stay Benefits In Case of Repair

Imagine your home is severely damaged to the point where it’s uninhabitable during repairs. In such cases, your homeowners’ insurance policy would cover your living expenses (like hotel bills and meals) until you can return home. For home insurance, this is typically known as “loss of use” coverage.

Now that we understand why homeowners’ insurance is essential, let’s move on to finding a suitable insurer that provides enough coverage.

How Do I Find a Good Homeowners Insurer When Buying Homeowners’ Insurance?

Finding a good home insurance company involves more than just comparing prices. Here are some key considerations when searching through insurance policies:

  1. Home Insurance Reputation: Check out customer reviews and ratings to understand the experiences of other policyholders. Look for patterns of complaints or praise regarding claim handling, customer service, and overall satisfaction.
  2. Financial Stability: You want your home insurance issuer to be able to pay claims, even in times of high demand. Research the financial health of the insurers you’re considering using rating agencies like A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s.
  3. Home Insurance Coverage: Ensure the insurer offers the types of coverage you need. This could include dwelling coverage, personal property, liability, and additional living expenses.
  4. Home Insurance Customer Service: You want an insurer that is responsive, helpful, and available when you need them.
  5. Pricing: While it shouldn’t be the only factor, price is undoubtedly important. Get quotes from multiple insurers and compare them based on similar coverage levels.

How Much Home Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

The amount of home insurance coverage you need depends on various factors, including the value of your home and belongings, your liability needs, and whether you live in an area prone to specific risks like floods or earthquakes.

Different Types of Home Homeowners Coverage

Understanding the different types of homeowners coverage can help you determine how much home insurance you need. Here are some key home insurance types:

Current Cash Value

This coverage pays the cost to replace your home or belongings minus depreciation. If you have an older home, depreciation could significantly reduce your payout in the event of a loss.

Cost to Replace

Replacement cost coverage pays the actual cost to replace your home or belongings without considering depreciation. This is called the replacement value. The payout is capped at the policy limit’s replacement value.

Guaranteed (or Extended) Replacement Cost

This coverage pays the cost to rebuild your home as it was, even if the expense exceeds your policy limit. This could be crucial if construction costs surge after a widespread disaster or if the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) does not provide enough to cover the replacement costs.

Should I Get an Umbrella Insurance Policy?

An umbrella insurance policy provides additional liability coverage beyond the limits of your homeowners’ insurance. It can protect you in case of significant property damage or serious injuries occurring on your property that exceeds your standard liability coverage.

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Standard homeowners’ insurance doesn’t cover flooding. If you live in a flood-prone area, you should seriously consider purchasing flood insurance. Even if you’re not in a high-risk zone, remember that floods can happen anywhere and cause severe damage.

What Is The Average Cost for Homeowners’ Insurance?

The cost of homeowners’ insurance varies greatly depending on multiple factors such as location, the value and age of your home, your coverage limits, deductibles, and which of the many insurance policies you choose from.

That said, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average annual premium for homeowners’ insurance in the United States was about $1,200. However, this figure can be significantly higher in areas prone to natural disasters or with high property values.

Keep in mind that this is just an average. Your costs could be lower or higher based on the factors mentioned earlier. Always get a personalized quote from your insurance provider for a more accurate estimate.

Remember, while cost is an important consideration, it shouldn’t be the only factor influencing your decision. It’s crucial to ensure you have the right coverage to adequately protect your home and belongings.

How Can I Pay Less For Homeowners’ Insurance?

While homeowners’ insurance is crucial, it doesn’t mean you need to break the bank for it. Here are some ways to lower your homeowners’ insurance costs:

Bundle Coverage

Many insurers offer discounts if you buy more than one type of insurance policy from them. This is known as bundling. For instance, if you have your auto and homeowners’ insurance with the same company, you might get a discount on both.

Raise Your Deductible

The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. By raising your deductible, you can lower your insurance premiums. However, ensure you can comfortably afford the deductible in the event of a claim.

Make Home Improvements

Certain home improvements can lower your insurance costs. For instance, upgrading your electrical or plumbing systems can reduce the risk of fire or water damage. Similarly, installing a security system can lower your premiums by reducing the risk of theft.

When Should I Submit A Homeowners’ Insurance Claim?

Knowing when to file a claim can be tricky. Ideally, you should file a claim whenever you have significant damage or loss that exceeds your deductible. However, frequent claims can lead to higher premiums or even non-renewal of your policy.

It’s advisable to discuss the situation with your insurance agent or a property damage insurance claim lawyer before making a decision.

Why Was My Claim Denied?

Claims can be denied for several reasons. Understanding these can help you avoid issues when filing a claim:

Lapsed Policy

If your policy has expired or lapsed due to non-payment, your insurer is under no obligation to pay your claim.


If you misrepresented or omitted important information when applying for insurance or dealing with your insurance agent, insurance companies could deny your claim. This could include false statements about the condition of the property, the contents of the home, or the circumstances of a loss.

Late Payments

If you’ve consistently made late payments, insurance companies can deny your claim. Maintaining a good payment history is crucial for ensuring your coverage remains intact.

Exclusion Causes

Insurance companies typically exclude certain perils or situations from homeowners’ insurance policies. For example, standard policies often exclude flood damage, earth movement, and normal wear and tear. If your loss was due to an excluded peril, your claim could be denied.

Insufficient Documentation

Insurance companies require thorough documentation to process a claim. This could include photographs of the damage, receipts for personal property, and detailed estimates for repairs. If you fail to provide adequate documentation, your insurer could deny your claim.

It’s important to carefully review your policy so you understand your coverage and the potential reasons for claim denial. If you believe your claim was unjustly denied, it may be beneficial to consult with a property damage insurance claim lawyer.

Why Do Homeowners’ Insurance Prices Go Up?

Homeowners’ insurance premiums can increase for a variety of reasons:

  1. Increased risk: If you’ve made a significant claim or multiple claims, insurance companies may view you as a higher risk, leading to increased premiums.
  2. Home improvements: Upgrading your home can increase its value, which could lead to higher insurance costs from insurance companies.
  3. Area risks: If your area has experienced a rise in natural disasters, crime, or home prices, your rates may go up.
  4. Inflation: General economic inflation can also lead to increased homeowners’ insurance costs.

What Do I Do If My Homeowners Insurance Company Drops Me?

It can be distressing if your homeowners’ insurance company cancels your policy or chooses not to renew it. Here’s what you can do:


If your insurer cancels your policy, they must provide a valid reason, such as non-payment of premiums or increased risk due to multiple claims. You have the right to appeal the decision, or you can seek coverage from another insurer.


If your insurer chooses not to renew your policy, they should provide you with notice, giving you time to find alternative coverage. Shop around for new policies and compare prices and coverage levels.

Whether you face cancellation or nonrenewal, don’t let your coverage lapse. This could make it more difficult to find new coverage and leaves you vulnerable to significant financial loss.

Contact Tighe P.A. Today For A Free Consultation

Navigating the homeowners’ insurance landscape can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. 

At Tighe P.A., we have extensive experience in property damage insurance claims. If you’re struggling with a claim denial or policy cancellation, or you simply want advice on your insurance needs, we’re here to help.

Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you protect your home and financial future.

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