Hurricane from space

How to Hire the Right Lawyer for Hurricane Damage Claims

When a hurricane strikes, it’s essential that you have all the support you need to conduct repairs to any damage inflicted on your home or property. In an ideal world, that means having an insurance company that will pay out on your claim promptly and in full, but we all know that doesn’t always happen. In fact, most insurance companies will do whatever they can to avoid paying what you’re owed. And that’s exactly why you need a hurricane property damage attorney who will fight for your rights.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at how to hire the right property damage insurance lawyer for hurricane damage claims.

A Few Things You Should Look for in a Hurricane Property Damage Attorney

Not all hurricane property damage attorneys offer the same level of reliable service. To ensure that you hire one who is capable of navigating the complexities of your case to get you paid, here are a few things to look for:


Look for a Florida hurricane damage lawyer who offers plenty of experience working with a wide range of clients. Insurance and property damage matters can be highly complex, and if you’re going to get what you’re owed, you need an attorney who is familiar with all matters pertaining to it.


When a large opponent like an insurance company or bank is trying to get out of paying you, they’re going to throw everything they’ve got into their legal defense, and they tend to have vast resources at their disposal. That’s why you need a lawyer with the resources to respond in kind. That means they have a large team of attorneys and support staff, as well as an expansive network of outside experts like contractors and independent loss analysts to provide input when necessary.


In the end, it’s all about results. You need an attorney with a proven track record for helping its clients achieve settlements and recover what they’re owed. A good indicator of this will be positive reviews from past clients and a history of recovering funds.

Tighe P.A. – A Hurricane Property Damage Law Firm Who Will Fight for You

At Tighe P.A., our team of highly experienced attorneys and co-counsels has helped hundreds of clients (including homeowners and businesses) secure tens of millions in recovered funds from insurance companies acting in bad faith. Our team is bolstered by a skilled network of outside professionals capable of supporting our efforts to build as strong a case as possible.

If your insurance company has denied your claim, contact us immediately. But you don’t have to wait until the worst has happened. We can help you from the get-go by ensuring that your claim is filed properly to ensure the maximum likelihood of a full payout. Put Tighe P.A. on your speed dial, and get the legal support you need fast.

If you’re looking for a Florida hurricane damage lawyer who will fight for your rights, contact Tighe P.A. today at (855) 567-7776 to schedule your free consultation.

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